Friday, October 28, 2011

East Kalimantan

Gantar Dancing
This dance comes from Dayak Benuaq andTonyooi tribes. This dance is known as a social dance among the youth and alsoa welcome dance. This dance describes gladness and joy in plant paddies/rice.Gantar is a cut of bamboo which is filled with paddies/rice seeds and a longstick named "asek" to make holes to plant paddies/rice.

It also describes a graceful of Dayaktribes to welcome the guests who come to East Kalimantan as tourists orinvestors or the other respected guests then they will be inviting to partaketo dance. The clothes which the dancers use named Ulap "Doyo", realclothes of Dayak Benuaq tribe that taken from doyo fibres. 

Kancet Tebengang Madang
which in Indonesian means EnggangTerbang Dance (Hornbill Flies Dance). This dance comes from Dayak Kenyah tribewhich describe about their transferred from Apau Kayan by disseminating to allof the areas in East Kalimantan to find the better life. 

The Hornbills always follow its leader'scommand, and so do the Dayak Kenyah people. Hornbill also represents a symbolof peace. This dance starts with “lemaloq” which is an idyll in Dayak Kenyahlanguage that represents a story about their journey. This dance is brought gracefullyby the Dayak girls like the Hornbills that fly. 

Hudog Dancing 
This dance comes from Dayak Bahau andModang tribe that represents a dance to chase away the crop pests or bad/evilspirit. Usually, the dancers wear the scary mask to chase away the crop pestsand the bad spirit.

Kancet Hudog Aban 
This dance comes from Dayak Kenyahtribe. Same with the Dayak Bahau tribe, this dance is also meant to chase awaythe crop pests and bad/evil spirit which annoying. The difference is just themasks that wore by the dancers, and the dancers from Hudoq Aban are women thatwear a veil of beads (Aban).

Belian Bawo Dancing
Belian is one of the cultures of theDayak Dayak Benuaq Tonyooi and tribes to cure ill people. There are many Belianso there are many costumes, moves and music that this dance that follow suitwith the aims of Belian itself. “Pemelian” or shamans act as Mediators amongpeople and the evil / bad spirit in treats the ill people. 

Kancet Pepatai Dancing 
Kancet Pepatai is a dance from DayakKenyah tribe. It describes about the brave men (Ajai) from Dayak Kenyah tribein war. This dance tells about the beginning of war until the given titleceremony for the Ajai which have succeeded to won the war. 

Leleng Dancing
Leleng in Kenyah Ianguage means to turnaround (to and fro). There is Utan Along (a name of a motherless girl) whohesitates because of her lover went and didn't come yet. Turn around means ofher hesitating. Just like a hesitate people that usual to and fro, and then sodo with Utan Along. That's why it names Leleng Dance. This Dance starts withthe song of Leleng which tells about the Utan Along's story. 

Ngelawai Dancing 
Thisdance accompanies by “Rendete” music, a typical music of Dayak Tonyoi-Benuaqtribes. This dance brings by beautiful girls that wears a long shawl and dancegracefully. This dance usually brought as a welcome dance.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sail Banda kicks off

Themuch awaited international marine event of Sail Banda kicked off in Darwin onSaturday.

Indonesian Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare Agung Laksono flagged off49 of 106 foreign yachts to mark the start of the Sail Banda 2010 at Darwin'sCullen Bay, Antara news agency reported.

Spokesperson for the Maluku Culture and Tourism Office Florence Sahusilawanesaid participants of the event were scheduled to reach Banda Neira in on July27.

Sahusilawane said all the yachts would also participate in a series of culturalfestivals at different stopovers in Indonesia in the next three months,including the islands of Timor, Banda, Ambon, Buton, Lembata, Wakatobi, Flores,Sulawesi, Bali, Java, Borneo, Belitung and Batam or Bintan.

Located about 132 kilometers southeast of the provincial capital of Ambon,Banda Islands are made up of three larger islands and seven smaller onesperched on the rim of Indonesia`s deepest sea, the Banda Sea.

A reception ceremony attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will beheld on Aug. 3 for the participants.

Maluku governor Karel Albert Ralahalu said his administration would ensureorder and security during the event.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Nias Island

  • Bawomataluo - the most well-known and accessible of all the southerly villages on the island of Pulau Nias, and perched rather precariously upon a hillside. Tourism has recently arrived in Bawomataluo and souvenir sellers will likely compete for your business. The views of nearby Orihili's rooftops are quite impressive, as are the occasional war dances and stone jumping performances. 
  • Botohili - a small and appealing hillside village situated on the peninsula of Pantai Lagundri. Rows of traditional houses make up the landscape of Botohili, while close by, Hilimaeta and Lagundri are also worth a look. 
  • Gomo- lying within the central highlands and close to a number of traditional village attractions. The Gomo area is perhaps best known for its ancient menhir monoliths and stone carvings, which are reputed to date back more than 3,000 years and are to be found in Lahusa Idanotae, Tetegewo and Tundrumbaho.
  • Hilinawalo Mazingo- a remote village with one main attraction, the Chieftan's House (Omo Hada), which is used as a meeting place for no less than seven surrounding villages. Pantai Sorake / Teluk Lagundri- located alongside Lagundri Bay and famed for its strong waves, perfect for keen surfers. At the beach of Pantai Sorake, the surfing season falls between June and October.

  • Teluk Dalam- a hectic port town, which features a good choice of shops and banks, and handy connections to outlying beaches.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gending Sriwijaya Dancing

This dance was held to welcome thespecial guests who visit the area, such as the head of the Republic of Indonesia,the cabinet minister, head of state / government of the state, minister,ambassador or which is considered equivalent to that.To welcome the guests washeld a magnificent traditional dances is one of Sriwijaya gending, this dancecomes from the heyday of empire Sriwijaya in Palembang, which reflects theattitude host a friendly, cheerful and happy, sincere and open to guests whoare special.Sriwijaya dance gending held a 9 dancers young and beautifulclothes ber of Adat Aesan Gede, Selendang Mantri, paksangkong, Dodot andTanggai. They are the core of the dancers be under guard two other dancersbring an umbrella and spear. Are behind the singer is once gending Sriwijaya.

However, at this time the role of performers and music this train is more replacedtape recorder. In the form of original music suite consists of gamelan andgong. The role of guards are sometimes eliminated, especially if it be dance orstage in the building is closed. In front of the dancers take it as a Forewordto be devoted to the special guests who came, accompanied the two dancers whobring pridon made of brass. The Foreword is originally only done by girls king,sultan, or noble. Pridon bearer is usually familiar wet nurse or the nursedaughter. Thus the other dancers, dancers.

To welcome the guests was held amagnificent traditional dances is one of Sriwijaya gending, this dance comesfrom the heyday of empire Sriwijaya in Palembang, which reflects the attitudehost a friendly, cheerful and happy, sincere and open to guests who arespecial.Sriwijaya dance gending held a 9 dancers young and beautiful clothesber of Adat Aesan Gede, Selendang Mantri, paksangkong, Dodot and Tanggai. Theyare the core of the dancers be under guard two other dancers bring an umbrellaand spear. Are behind the singer is once gending Sriwijaya.However, at thistime the role of performers and music this train is more replaced taperecorder. In the form of original music suite consists of gamelan andgong. 

Therole of guards are sometimes eliminated, especially if it be dance or stage inthe building is closed. In front of the dancers take it as a Foreword to bedevoted to the special guests who came, accompanied the two dancers who bringpridon made of brass. The Foreword is originally only done by girls king,sultan, or noble. Pridon bearer is usually familiar wet nurse or the nursedaughter. Thus the other dancers, dancers.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Selampit Delapan Dancing

Selampit Delapan Dance is a traditionaldance originating from the province of Jambi. This dance was first introducedby M. Ceylon when on duty at the Jambi Provincial Culture Department in the1970’s. Men born in Padang Sidempuan July 7, 1941 has exceptional talent in thearts, especially dance. As a good personal, friendly, and energetic makes himeasy to adapt to local culture and environment. More activities in the field ofculture struggling to make himself successfully captures the deepest messagesof the community association which is processed into a work of art calledSelampit Delapan Dance. In development, the dance was later determined to beone of the typical dances of Jambi Province. 

 Dance association was first playedby eight people using the wick stove as much as 8 rope tied to or hung in theattic. Ceylon dance named with the name “Selampit Delapan Dance” which refersto 8 straps that are used in the dance. Ceylon friend named O.K. Hendrik thensuggested to replace the wick stove with a scarf so that played dance lookedmore appealing. The proposal was approved by the Ceylon, so that in any eventstaging Dance Eight braid, scarf used as a medium of dance until now. 

By M. Ceylon, Dance braid was firstintroduced to glue the association relationship antarpemuda. Through the mediumof dance, the atmosphere of intimacy antarpemuda can be developed well. Everymovement in this dance describes the cohesiveness, and solidarity that is theguidance in daily life. In Selampit Delapan Dance contained a message about themeaning of an association, that association is based on good faith, mutualrespect, and behaved wisely. Surely this view is inseparable from thephilosophy of community life Jambi uphold the values of faith as a cornerstonein each interaction.

Selampit Delapan Dance lots shown onparty activities, like party and promotion of indigenous culture. At the partyactivities, dance is featured in the great days contained in the City and theProvince of Jambi, such as the conferment of degrees indigenous heritage, theAnniversary of Jambi, which fell in May, the Anniversary (HUT) in JambiProvince in January, and party Jambi community in commemorating the Anniversaryof Independence of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), which falls on August 17.Dancing With the braid Eight servings, activity is expected to be more festiveparty. On a large scale, this dance is displayed in cultural activities bothlocally and nationally outside Jambi Province. Dance is not uncommon even braidEight displayed as one of the media campaign Nusantara culture abroad. 

In Selampit Delapan Dance spectators canwatch the graceful movements that are served by the dancers. The dance openedwith a squat movement and play while you deliver to greet obeisance to theaudience as respect. This has become one characteristic of the Malay dances.The dancers perform the movement regards as a tribute to the audience of hiswillingness witnessed the dance offerings from start to finish. 

After delivering the greeting ofrespect, the dance continued with the core movement. Each dancer immediatelytakes the scarf that hung to further prepare for the core motion. They thenformed a circle before making a rotary motion. Slowly one by one from thedancers spin to knit a scarf, this movement is done in turns with gracefulmovements, so the scarf coalesce into a beautiful winding. After a nice blendwith the scarf, the dance movement followed by opening a knitted scarf. Hismovements were performed exactly like the early movements when making knitting.After the knitting is finished loading, then the position of the dancers backto form a circle formation scarf while playing with a regular motion andcarried to completion until the scarf back open as usual. 

Interesting dance movements increases withthe composition of colorful clothes and scarves are worn by dancers. Thedancers, amounting to 8 people (4 pairs) appear with the composition ofcolorful clothes, like blue, yellow, red, and pink scarf with a matching color.Assorted colors are beautiful looks combined with typical Malay Jambi wovensarong made of gold-embroidered silk used as a belt.

Eight dance braid can be found in thecity of Jambi, Jambi Province, Indonesia. Usually the dance featured in Jambicommunity cultural activities, such as cultural party, anniversary of the cityof Jambi, Jambi Province, as well as the Anniversary of RI. 

To get to the city of Jambi journey canbe reached by using public transportation (metro mini), taxi, or private car.If using public transportation (public transportation), the trip can be startedfrom the Sultan Taha Airport Syaifuddin proceed to Telanai Pura Jambi, Jambicity which also became the capital city of Jambi province with about 15 minutestravel time. 

Fortourists from outside the city who want to linger in the city of Jambi towitness the Dance of Eight braid, can stay at the hotel are numerous in thecity. In addition, along the road in the city of Jambi, there are manyrestaurants and restaurants serving variety of dishes typical of Jambi Malay.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sulawesi Dancing

GandrangBulo originally just a simple dance similar to folk dances without a layout themotion raw style of the royal palace. This dance is a dance typical Makassar tothe accompaniment of gendang beat and violins, rang merrily along with typicalsong Makassar like Sumbang Kacayya. Besides easy danced, dance supplies arealso fairly simple, just use a small bamboo. Some dancers use two pieces ofbamboo about the size of seven inches, clipped in such a way between hisfingers, then ditetakkan until delivery noise is very distinctive yetsuggestive. Half the other dancers bring two pieces of bamboo which has beendeliberately broken and chopped on the edges. When the bamboo strips arepitted, then the sound will be "prapak pak pak pak, pak pak pakprapak", the sound that evokes adrenaline dancers and spectators

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


  • Dumai - a bustling port, with ferries regularly departing for Melaka (Malaysia) three times each day. From Dumai, ferries also travel to and from Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan and Jakarta.
  • Natuna Islands - an isolated group of islands, which are quite tricky to actually reach. The Natuna Islands are most famous for their basket-weave cloth, as well as their displays of traditional dancing. Pulau Natuna Besar is one of the more interesting of the Natuna Islands. 
  • Pekanbaru - a busy, modern city, which has become the wealthy oil capital of Indonesia. Pekanbaru's population is now close to 800,000 people and facilities here are excellent, with banks, shops, restaurants and hotels lining the main thoroughfare of Jalan Sudirman. Also most tourists come to Pekanbaru for its good ferry connections with Singapore and there are a handful of notable attractions, such as the Malay exhibits at the Balai Adat Daerah Riau, the 18th-century Grand Mosque (Mesjid Raya), and the seasonal performances and events at the Riau Cultural Park. 
  • Riau Islands - spread across the South China Sea and numbering around 700 in total The Riau Islands tend to be regarded as quite separate to Sumatra, with both the islands of Pulau Batam and Pulau Bintan being so close to Singapore that they are almost suburbs. Other noteworthy islands within the Riau archipelago include those of Anambas, Karimun, Lingga, Natuna, Penuba, Singkep and also Tambelan